
Oracle Linux yum server hosts software for Oracle Linux and compatible distributions. These instructions help you get started configuring your Linux system for Oracle Linux yum server and installing software via yum or dnf

Configuring Your System to Install Software from Oracle Linux Yum Server

If you are starting from scratch, and don’t have a Linux OS installed, download and install Oracle Linux. Alternatively, use an Oracle Linux Vagrant box to run with Oracle VM VirtualBox or KVM

Oracle Linux

In most cases, your Oracle Linux system will already be set up to install software from Oracle Linux yum server. See Installing Software from Oracle Linux Yum Server for an overview software available on this yum server.

Oracle Linux 8 and 9: About DNF and Application Stream

The yum utility that is provided with Oracle Linux 8 and 9 is based on Dandified Yum (DNF). You can use dnf to install or upgrade RPM packages, while automatically handling package dependencies and requirements. The yum command that is provided with Oracle Linux 8 and 9 is a symbolic link to dnf and you can use the dnf command and all of its options similarly to how you used the yum command on previous releases of Oracle Linux.

DNF introduces the concepts of modules, streams and profiles to allow for the management of different versions of software applications within a single operating system release. To read more about this subject, see the documentation: Oracle® Linux: Managing Software in Oracle Linux

To see a list of available modules in Oracle Linux 8 and 9 Application Stream:

# dnf module list

CentOS & Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To switch from CentOS 7 or 8 (excluding Stream) to Oracle Linux, follow these directions on GitHub.

To install software from Oracle Linux yum server on Red Hat Enterpise Linux perform these actions:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

  1. Import the Oracle Linux GPG key using these instructions.

  2. Ceate a temporary yum repository configuration file /etc/yum.repos.d/ol7-temp.repo with the following as the minimum required content:

name=Oracle Linux $releasever Latest ($basearch)
  1. Install oraclelinux-release-el7:
# yum install oraclelinux-release-el7
  1. Remove ol7-temp.repo and any other remaining repo files that may conflict with Oracle Linux yum server:
# mv /etc/yum.repos.d/ol7-temp.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ol7-temp.repo.disabled

You are now ready to install additional software. See: Installing Software from Oracle Linux Yum Server

If you want to update your system, proceed with the following command:

# yum update -y

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

  1. Import the Oracle Linux GPG key using these instructions.

  2. Ceate a temporary yum repository configuration file /etc/yum.repos.d/ol8-temp.repo with the following as the minimum required content:

name=Oracle Linux 8 BaseOS Latest ($basearch)
  1. Install oraclelinux-release-el8:
# dnf install oraclelinux-release-el8
  1. Remove ol8-temp.repo and any other remaining repo files that may conflict with Oracle Linux yum server:
# mv /etc/yum.repos.d/ol8-temp.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ol8-temp.repo.disabled

You are now ready to install additional software. See: Installing Software from Oracle Linux Yum Server

[OPTIONAL] To update your system, proceed with the following command:

# dnf update --setopt=ol8_appstream.module_hotfixes=true --allowerasing -y

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

  1. Import the Oracle Linux GPG key using these instructions.

  2. Ceate a temporary yum repository configuration file /etc/yum.repos.d/ol9-temp.repo with the following as the minimum required content:

name=Oracle Linux 9 BaseOS Latest  ($basearch)
  1. Install oraclelinux-release-el9:
# dnf install oraclelinux-release-el9
  1. Remove ol9-temp.repo and any other remaining repo files that may conflict with Oracle Linux yum server:
# mv /etc/yum.repos.d/ol9-temp.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ol9-temp.repo.disabled

You are now ready to install additional software. See: Installing Software from Oracle Linux Yum Server

[OPTIONAL] To update your system, proceed with the following command:

# dnf update --setopt=ol9_appstream.module_hotfixes=true --allowerasing -y

Installing Software from Oracle Linux Yum Server

Oracle Linux yum server hosts many different types of software in repositories for which the configuration is installed and updated via release packages. Below is a list of available software and the corresponding release packages to configure yum.

Available Software

Software Release RPM
Oracle Linux, UEK & Addons. In addition:
  • For OL7: Virtualization tools, Oracle® Container Runtime for Docker, etc.
  • For OL8 and OL9: BaseOS, Appstream
oraclelinux-release-el9, oraclelinux-release-el8, oraclelinux-release-el7
Oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) releases oracle-java-jdk-release-el9, oracle-java-jdk-release-el8
Oracle Cloud Native Environment oracle-ocne-release-el9, oracle-ocne-release-el8
Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment oracle-olcne-release-el9, oracle-olcne-release-el8, oracle-olcne-release-el7
Oracle Linux Manager Client oracle-linux-manager-client-release-el9, oracle-linux-manager-client-release-el8, oracle-linux-manager-client-release-el7
Oracle Instant Client Release 23ai oracle-instantclient-release-el9, oracle-instantclient-release-el8
Oracle Instant Client Release 21c oracle-instantclient-release-el8, oracle-instantclient-release-el7
Oracle Instant Client Release 19c oracle-release-el9,oracle-release-el8, oracle-release-el7
EPEL for Oracle Linux oracle-epel-release-el9, oracle-epel-release-el8, oracle-epel-release-el7
Packages for Developers and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure oraclelinux-developer-release-el9, oraclelinux-developer-release-el8, oraclelinux-developer-release-el7
MySQL Community releases mysql-release-el9, mysql-release-el8, mysql-release-el7
Gluster Storage oracle-gluster-release-el8, oracle-gluster-release-el7
Software Collection Library for Oracle Linux oracle-softwarecollection-release-el7
Oracle Linux Manager Server oracle-linux-manager-server-release-el7
GraalVM Community Edition oracle-graalvm-ce-release-el7
Stable releases of the Go programming language oracle-golang-release-el7
Stable PHP releases oracle-php-release-el7
Stable Node.js releases oracle-nodejs-release-el7

To see an up to date list of installed and available release packages on Oracle Linux:

Oracle Linux 7

# yum list *release-el7

Oracle Linux 8

# dnf list *release-el8

Oracle Linux 9

# dnf list *release-el9

Connecting To Yum Mirrors in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Each region in Oracle Linux Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) has its own Oracle Linux yum server mirror to enable high speed access without incurring extra network charges. When launched, Oracle Linux images have a yum variable set in /etc/yum/vars/ociregion to ensure they connect to a mirror in the appropriate OCI region.

If /etc/yum/vars/ociregion is not set, or not set correctly, run the following

	$ sudo touch /etc/yum/vars/ociregion
	$ OCIREGION=$(curl -sfm 3 | jq -r '.region' | cut -d '-' -f 2)
	$ sudo sh -c "echo -$OCIREGION > /etc/yum/vars/ociregion"


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